Monday, December 13, 2021

The Egypt border guards suspected Ai-Da robot of espionage. @JobToRob: news: Jobs for Robots! Work for Robots! Hire a Robot!

 The Egypt border guards suspected Ai-Da robot of espionage. @JobToRob: news: Jobs for Robots! Work for Robots! Hire a Robot!

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British humanoid robot artist Ai-Da, capable of creating paintings and sculptures, was detained at Egyptian customs. Ai-Da robot was taken to the opening day at the pyramids of Giza, but vigilant border guards mistook her for an espionage device and kept her in isolation for 10 days, along with the sculpture she created. Diplomats had to intervene in the matter. As a result of active diplomatic efforts cleared customs after 10 days.

The Egypt border guards suspected Ai-Da robot of espionage. @JobToRob: news: Jobs for Robots! Work for Robots! Hire a Robot!

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